I love bell peppers

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I love bell peppers
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Original YTMND:
I love bell peppers!
by AcidicConcepts
July 2, 2005
Worthy Spinoffs:
Used Music:

Iron Chef is a Japanese cooking show where a chef competes with an elite chef in a cookout. The host of the show is Chairman Takeshi Kaga.

The fad started on July 2, 2005 with a ytmnd titled "I love bell peppers!". The YTMND featured the opening sequence of the show, where Kaga bites a huge chunk of a bell pepper in a very enthusiastic manner. The image is accompanied with the song Fury of the Storm by the power metal group DragonForce. The audio origin is a previous YTMND-site, and the image is from AlbinoBlackSheep forums in early 2002. The site quickly became popular and it did not take long for various parodies to take place. The scene has been parodized to show him eating various other objects. Sometimes his face will be photoshopped so that others (Brian Peppers, James T. Kirk, etc...) are eating them. The fad requires a lot of editing, making "Bell Peppers" one of the most difficult fads to create YTMNDs for.

The song "Fury of the Storm" gained major popularity and has been used for various other sites either as "battle music" or for sites depicting "metal". The song was included on Volume 3 of the YTMND Soundtrack. In addition, Takeshi Kaga was featured on the cover of Volume 11.

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