User talk:HeatherChandler
n00dz plz
Vitafin 03:16, July 21, 2006 (CDT)
No n00dz. Not on the intarweb. I know you people... One n00d and I'm YTMND famous forever, and not in a good way. Let this be a C&D to my IRL friends who all think I am a huge attention whore! --Unsigned comment
- lol Vitafin 03:24, July 21, 2006 (CDT)
Oh and don't call me a faggot and ask me to be banned, plz. Live and let live. --Unsigned comment
- This faggot needs to be banned Vitafin 03:29, July 21, 2006 (CDT)
Never get into an argument with a dunce, because sooner or later, no one can tell which of you is which. :sighs: --Unsigned comment
- Well, not if you sign your name with four tildes.Vitafin 03:47, July 21, 2006 (CDT)
I do no such thing! It's always just been HeatherChandler, because those of us who fuck with the eagles KNOW HOW TO FLY! I can't help that YTMND is not capable (yet) of handling the awesomeness of my name.
ginger girls FTW