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Voting is a vital part of YTMND. Voting is a power given to every user on the site. Users have six choices when looking at a site.
- 5 stars: The highest rating users can give to a site.
- 4 stars: A site that is better than average, but below anything spectacular.
- 3 stars: The average rating of a site, not crappy but nothing special.
- 2 stars: The site is below average and could have been better.
- 1 star: The lowest rating users can give to a site.
- Not voting on a site. All sites start out with the no-vote. A no-vote does not affect the site's score at all.
The Site Rating
A site that is published begins to collect votes and a rating is established. The rating is derived by the total number of stars divided by the total number of votes. Once a rating is established, it is then compiled with all the other sites and an order of ranking is determined. It seems that sites are complied into the different rankings every couple of hours.
Note: This could change if a weighted voting system is put in place.
Voting is the culprit to most conflicts on YTMND. In fact there has been a need to classify users by the way they vote or their voting habits. Such categories are:
- Upvoters/upvoting
- Midvoters/midvoting
- Downvoters/downvoting
- Split voters/NARVs
- Deal voting
- Revenge voting
- This is similar to Deal voting in that a user bases votes only on how other users vote on his sites. If a user gives a low score to a Revenge voter's site, the revenge voter often responds with multiple downvotes, usually on all of the sites made by the other person.
No user is limited to only voting a certain way. However, voting fairly helps improve the quality of sites shown on the YTMND front page.